
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Naughty Bear Review

Naughty Bear is a game for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 . It is a very unique and disturbing game, but is it good enough to pay the full retail price of 50 $ for it ? Let's find out .

Story : The story of Naughty Bear is pretty weird . In the game , you are on an island that teddy bears inhabit . The character you play as is called Naughty Bear ( what a surprise ) , he has not been invited to a birthday party of a fellow bear , so he decides to make him a present anyways and give it to him . While naughty is bringing the birthday boy's present to him , the other bears laugh at Naughty . Naughty becomes upset and returns to his hut . The narrator then convinces him to go kill the other bears , and that's what Naughty will do during the whole game . So now you know the story and how original and screwed up it is . Let's move on .

The story gets 7.5/10 . It's original , but it lacks depth .

Graphics : The graphics of this game are okay . They're cartoonish . You won't see anything new in the graphics department here . There is also on more thing that bothered me here , it's the fact that they didn't put blood in this game . If the creators are going to make a crazy murdering game , they might aswell put in blood. It's not like parents are going to buy the kids a murdering game because there is no blood .

I give the graphics an okay 7/10

Gameplay : Now the gameplay might be the best part of the game , even if it's got some flaws . The three things you're going to be doing while playing in this game are these : hiding , killing scaring and setting traps . Sounds simple yet it's not , especially with the points multiplier system . Your points get multiplied when you do a lot of stuff very fast . For example , you set a trap , a bear gets trapped , another bear tries to help him out of it , you kill the helper , you scare the trapped one , he tries to run away , he gets trapped again in one of your other traps , you scare him again , he gets driven insane , you scare him one last time , the bear commits suicide. Sounds pretty easy , but it's pretty hard to kill everyone without letting anyone call the bear cops or letting anyone escape . There a lot of creative ways to kill bears and the game rewards you for using different strategies and being creative. But a major flaw I found with the gameplay , was the camera , it's really hard too get used to it and it give you major headaches if you try to move it around . If you played any good third person games you will hate the camera in Naughty Bear.

The gameplay gets a good 8.5/10.

Replayability : In the game , there are 7 chapters or levels . 7 levels might seem like a short game , but you can replay every chapter in 5 different "ways" . For example , you have to kill all the bears in the chapter as fast as you can or you must not hurt anyone , you can only set traps and break stuff to get your score.

The replayability gets a great 9/10

Overall this game is good , especially if you like murdering stuff , but flaws in the game ruin a part of the experience . Check it out sometime . The game get's a 8/10

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