
Sunday, June 27, 2010

Naughty Bear Review

Naughty Bear is a game for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 . It is a very unique and disturbing game, but is it good enough to pay the full retail price of 50 $ for it ? Let's find out .

Story : The story of Naughty Bear is pretty weird . In the game , you are on an island that teddy bears inhabit . The character you play as is called Naughty Bear ( what a surprise ) , he has not been invited to a birthday party of a fellow bear , so he decides to make him a present anyways and give it to him . While naughty is bringing the birthday boy's present to him , the other bears laugh at Naughty . Naughty becomes upset and returns to his hut . The narrator then convinces him to go kill the other bears , and that's what Naughty will do during the whole game . So now you know the story and how original and screwed up it is . Let's move on .

The story gets 7.5/10 . It's original , but it lacks depth .

Graphics : The graphics of this game are okay . They're cartoonish . You won't see anything new in the graphics department here . There is also on more thing that bothered me here , it's the fact that they didn't put blood in this game . If the creators are going to make a crazy murdering game , they might aswell put in blood. It's not like parents are going to buy the kids a murdering game because there is no blood .

I give the graphics an okay 7/10

Gameplay : Now the gameplay might be the best part of the game , even if it's got some flaws . The three things you're going to be doing while playing in this game are these : hiding , killing scaring and setting traps . Sounds simple yet it's not , especially with the points multiplier system . Your points get multiplied when you do a lot of stuff very fast . For example , you set a trap , a bear gets trapped , another bear tries to help him out of it , you kill the helper , you scare the trapped one , he tries to run away , he gets trapped again in one of your other traps , you scare him again , he gets driven insane , you scare him one last time , the bear commits suicide. Sounds pretty easy , but it's pretty hard to kill everyone without letting anyone call the bear cops or letting anyone escape . There a lot of creative ways to kill bears and the game rewards you for using different strategies and being creative. But a major flaw I found with the gameplay , was the camera , it's really hard too get used to it and it give you major headaches if you try to move it around . If you played any good third person games you will hate the camera in Naughty Bear.

The gameplay gets a good 8.5/10.

Replayability : In the game , there are 7 chapters or levels . 7 levels might seem like a short game , but you can replay every chapter in 5 different "ways" . For example , you have to kill all the bears in the chapter as fast as you can or you must not hurt anyone , you can only set traps and break stuff to get your score.

The replayability gets a great 9/10

Overall this game is good , especially if you like murdering stuff , but flaws in the game ruin a part of the experience . Check it out sometime . The game get's a 8/10

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tekken vs Street Fighter

In pre E3 rumor related news , it is said that Namco and Capcom are working on a Tekken vs Street Fighter game . Gotta love those juicy rumors ! I wonder what type of graphocs they're going to use for this game . Is it going to be the more realistic Tekken graphics ? Or the cartoony Street Fighter graphics. Either way this is going to be sweet.

Assassin's Creed in Egypt

Ubisoft released concept art for what appears to be Assassin's Creed set in Egypt . No other info has been released about this game yet , it's not even been announced yet. It would be cool to kick some ass in Egypt , too bad it's not going to be released anytime soon .

GoldenEye remake ?

There is rumored to be a GoldenEye remake. It is said that this game is going to release on the Wii and the DS . We will probably see more of this game at E3 , if it is real that is.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Half-Life 2 episode 3

A picture has been released on the steam forums . This picture , as you can see , has the words "Freeman" and "June 14th" on it . As you probably now "Freeman" is the protagonist's last name in the games Half-Life 1 and Half-Life 2 , his full name is Gordon Freeman. And June 14th just happens to be the first day of E3 . For those who don't know , E3 is the Electronic Entertainment Expo which is located in Los Angeles . It lasts a few days, from June 14th till the 17th . At E3 , major video game titles are usually revealed and for those lucky people who get to go there , they might get to play games that will not be released for a long time. I think we will get to see Half-Life 2 episode 3 at E3 this year or maybe even some other Half-Life related title. Who knows ?

inFamous 2 revealed

In the game informer magazine , inFamous 2 was revealed. I take no credit for these pictures and the following text , it is all found in the gaminformer magazine.

"In 2009, Sucker Punch Productions released Infamous, a super-powered sandbox game that was a drastic departure from the studio's well-known Sly Cooper franchise. Venturing into new territory paid off for Sucker Punch; the PS3-exclusive Infamous has sold nearly 2 million copies, providing a combination of mobility and electrical powers that makes gamers feel like a true superhero. For Infamous 2, the team hopes to raise the bar even higher. A new look for hero Cole MacGrath is just the first step; a new city, new powers, and a powerful new foe await you in Infamous 2 ."

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Latest Natal pictures

I found these pictures of Natal while surfing the web , they were from April so we don't know if this is how the final product might look like . Hopefully , we'll know more about this nice piece of equipment at E3 this year . In the mean time , enjoy these latest pictures of Natal.

Pictures taken from IGN

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Killzone 3 to be out in the month of May 2011

Killzone 3 will be out in the month of May , 2011. It is also said that this game is going to be in 3D. Not a lot of people have 3D TV's so it might not be a good idea.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Mass Effect 3 will have a multi-player feature

Rumor has it that the next Mass Effect will include multi-player . I'm wondering if it's going to be more of a shooter than RPG for the multi-player part . I also want to if there's going to be some kind of co-op mode too . Not much is revealed yet , but the multi-player will surely be good. I think Bioware will not disappoint.


Hello , I'm Monkey Soldier and this blog is Monkey Soldier Gaming , it's all about gaming as the title suggests . I will be posting gaming and technology related news, game reviews and sometimes I'll make machinima too . I hope to become a great reviewer and gaming journalist one day. Keep a look out for new posts that will surely be interesting .

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